Llanos & Libertadores

A Colonial Latin America-inspired campaign setting for a generically dungeoncrawlish RPG.

Metropole (pt. 1)

The Colony lies beyond the sea, far from Metropole, that many of its inhabitants think not of it as anything but a realm on its own. And yet, most are aware of the shadow the distant Metropole casts over their homeland. For if there is a colony, there must be a mother country as well, whether or not colonials rather see it as a wicked stepmother abusing its wards, out solely for their rich inheritance. For the Colony, it is Metropole.

This portrait of Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud is about the right kind of image that I wanted to convey here.

Metropole is an ancient and noble kingdom of repute, sprawling over many lands, boasting a history which is long and rich in events most worthy of recording for posterity. Ups and downs, ignoble treasons and heroic selflessnesses, missed opportunities, golden ages, glorious victories, harrowing defeats. Trades and philosophies. Neighbors in ever-shifting alliances, rivals and partners. Memories of ancestors, lost and recovered legacies of the Ancients.

None of that truly matters in the colonies, save for one thing: the conquest. Ever since, the fortunes of Metropole are tied to the wealth brought forth from the colonies, and the colonies’ own fortunes are tied to it. Ports of Metropole grow rich on wealth brought forth by tribute ships.

Things may be changing, though. There are rumours, slipping into colonies through royal sailors’ infrequent shore leaves and smuggled leaflets. But it would require much more than just a change in discourse for a real change to affect the colonies as well.

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