Llanos & Libertadores

A Colonial Latin America-inspired campaign setting for a generically dungeoncrawlish RPG.

February 2024

  • Metropole (pt. 1)

    The Colony lies beyond the sea, far from Metropole, that many of its inhabitants think not of it as anything but a realm on its own. And yet, most are aware of the shadow the distant Metropole casts over their homeland. For if there is a colony, there must be a mother country as well,… Continue reading

  • The Western City

    The mountains and jungles divide the colony, but before the land on the other side becomes too distant for the Vice-Regent to maintain control, there is a caldera, set between the mountains on close side and unbroken jungle on the far. Within that caldera is where an odd sort of town has arisen. Against threats… Continue reading

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