Llanos & Libertadores

A Colonial Latin America-inspired campaign setting for a generically dungeoncrawlish RPG.

January 2024

  • The Coast

    If the river is the lifeblood of the colony, the artery binding the interior to the seats of power and through them further on to Metropole, then the coast should perhaps be likened to the skin and fingertips, the first to be touched by the external world, for all good and ill that may come… Continue reading

  • The Mountains

    The colony is partially separated in two by a mountain range which, going further south beyond the colonial borders, reaches only ever higher. Here, it is not yet as tall, but it provides an obstacle and a boon to transport, in varying ways at the same time. As the elevation rises, the woods grow thinner… Continue reading

  • The Jungle

    The jungle spreads to the south of the plains, and to the west. As one moves inland, even by plains, sooner or later the trees grow thick and travel must halt; and as you follow the river upstream, the jungle rises around the like a green canyon, and even those travellers who choose this route… Continue reading

  • The Plains

    The plains spread to the south and east of the colonial capital. It is a vast region of tropical grassland, though mostly unsuited for grand plantations of the kind which covers the waterfront, and therefore long overlooked. Few roads cross it, and travel to the interior is done more often by river. Early explorers found… Continue reading

  • The River

    The river is the chief way inland. Granted, all who have a horse can ride out into the plains, but there’s few roads there, and not good for hauling goods in their bulk that can not move on their own. Thus, the river. Plantations dot the banks, where the land is good and forces under… Continue reading

  • The City (pt. 2)

    The city grew, but it also moved, torn from its roots by river and sea and very ground underneath. Thus, the old city lies in ruins over the riverbanks as a memory of the city’s past, still inhabited, but only barely. Shacks of the poor, the easiest to rebuild, litter the riverbanks providing shelter to… Continue reading

  • Lore 24

    I missed out on the grand opening, seems like. (The relevant link’s here.) So, the premise is, for every day this year, to write up a description of something that exists in a setting you want to develop. A challenge to commit to a daily updated worldbuilding project. Now, I won’t quite commit myself to… Continue reading

  • The City (pt. 1)

    The City, as it is commonly and simply known throughout the Colony, is its capital, and the biggest urban center, its jewel and its blight. Like Polar Star is to the skies, it is the place around which colonial life revolves, in one way or another, and like a pin holding a piece of cloth… Continue reading

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