Llanos & Libertadores

A Colonial Latin America-inspired campaign setting for a generically dungeoncrawlish RPG.



(Man, this is awkward.)

One of these days I had the idea.

I’m writing it on the 17th of December, the day on which the Republic of Colombia – also known as Gran Colombia – was declared into being by the Congress of Angostura 204 years ago. This year also marks the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Lake Maracaibo, which was the final nail in the coffin of Spanish control over nations of South America.

The idea that I had, was that this is a story which deserves better recognition. And, quite potentially, a wicked setting for a generically dungeoncrawlish role-playing game in the OSR style: not like Forgotten Realms, where everything is described in detail and exact histories are provided for every tree branch, but rather like a toolbox of ideas to get your gears running and possibly mix and re-use in ways that suits your own campaign world.

So, that’s the premise of this blog: to deliver my take on a fantasy setting inspired by South America during the time of the Wars of Independence, through the lens of a certain set of conventions of a role-playing game.

Llanos & Libertadores.

Also, it’s fun to think of the times when liberalism was the edgy, radical, hip, new in-thing everyone who was cool was doing.

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