Llanos & Libertadores

A Colonial Latin America-inspired campaign setting for a generically dungeoncrawlish RPG.


  • Constitution

    First of all, I’ve had prepared a draft for a setting update, which I intended to post at some point over the last two days. Alas. So I’m using it instead as an opportunity to post some musings, and I’ll drop the setting post in no more than a few days. So, today’s May 3.… Continue reading

  • Some musings on orcs

    Before I begin: as it happens, of recent I have precious little time on my hands that can be devoted to random personal projects. Which, in my case, includes blogging. Quite unfortunate if you’ve just taken it up, but, oh well. So, orcs. Over the last few years there’s been a lot of talk about… Continue reading

  • Lore 24

    I missed out on the grand opening, seems like. (The relevant link’s here.) So, the premise is, for every day this year, to write up a description of something that exists in a setting you want to develop. A challenge to commit to a daily updated worldbuilding project. Now, I won’t quite commit myself to… Continue reading

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